

Carta Mundi makes publicity decks for companies from all over the world. Our collection is ordened by country of printer, not publisher. So you'll find decks from England, France or the US in this part of our collection (and this xpo).

The following deck was published in France. In the design the heads have been replaced by those of Mickey, Minnie and Donald. For the courts only 5 facial designs were made, mirroring did the rest. The complete design is very close to the international pattern.

The "Paris Disney World" deck was printed by Carta Mundi and published in France in 1992 to promote the Euro Disney park near Paris. It consists of 52 cards and 2 jokers.


  -1-    -2-    -3-    -4-    -5-    -6-    -7-    -8-    -9-   -10- 
-11-  -12-  -13-  -14-  -15-  -16-  -17-  -18-  -19-  -20-
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-51-  -52-  -53-  -54-  -55-  -56-  -57-  -58-  -59-  -60-
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-71-  -72-  -73-  -74-  -75-  -76-  -77-  -78-  -79-  -80-