

Obviously the Grateful Dead fans were so pleased with the first deck that a second deck was released in 1998. Again skulls were used to replace the heads of the courts. Here the illustrator kept close to some of the special features of the international pattern. We see the suicide king and the one-eyed jack; the Queens have their flowers in hand, but some of the other attributes have been adapted. The center design is done in a more elaborate way than in the previous deck and each suit has a special characteristic: wheels in the Spades, roses in the Hearts, sun, moon and lightning in the Clubs and -surprisingly- bongo's in the Diamonds.

The deck was designed by Patricia Harris as art director. The illustrations are by Michael R. Everett.


It was published by Grateful Dead Productions Inc. in 1998 and contains 52 cards, 2 identical jokers and an extra card.


  -1-    -2-    -3-    -4-    -5-    -6-    -7-    -8-    -9-   -10- 
-11-  -12-  -13-  -14-  -15-  -16-  -17-  -18-  -19-  -20-
-21-  -22-  -23-  -24-  -25-  -26-  -27-  -28-  -29-  -30-
-31-  -32-  -33-  -34-  -35-  -36-  -37-  -38-  -39-  -40-
-41-  -42-  -43-  -44-  -45-  -46-  -47-  -48-  -49-  -50-
-51-  -52-  -53-  -54-  -55-  -56-  -57-  -58-  -59-  -60-
-61-  -62-  -63-  -64-  -65-  -66-  -67-  -68-  -69-  -70-
-71-  -72-  -73-  -74-  -75-  -76-  -77-  -78-  -79-  -80-