Fashionable Decks with a Fragrance





The deck consists of 52 cards, 2 jokers and 2 extra cards. One of them explains the reason for this deck, the other just says "Christie's" in white letters against a red background.







The backs are plain red and black.



The deck comes as a set of two in a doublebox. Although the quality of the cards is excellent, the carton box is a bit flimsy. 


"Le siècle des lumières était aussi celui des couleurs lumineuses"

"The century of Enlightment was also that of luminous colours"

KARL LAGERFELD            


-1- -2- -3- -4- -5- -6- -7- -8- -9-     -11- -12- -13- -14- -15- -16- -17- -18- -19- -20- -21-