


All the decks sofar didn't really have angles, that one can measure. The following decks do. 

Of course the triangle is a simple shape to begin with and easy to produce too.
This deck was printed by a small Dutch printer in the mid 1990's. It comes in a triangular box.
The deck has Dutch indicators and the courts show details of classic paintings and fresco's. Deviant suitcolours were used.

A deck, printed by the Imprimerie Castelain a small printer in Tourcoing, north of France, late 1990's.
Octagonal shape with a fantasy pattern, inspired by the Rouen pattern?

A cross-shaped deck with the international pattern and a standard joker was made in China and published in the U.S.A. in 2004.

A star-shaped deck from China, 2005. The suitcolours have been

replaced by a fire-cracker,
a Santa's head, a  red star and a blue star.


At the end, our conclusion remains the same: all these odd shaped decks are fun to collect, but it's no fun trying to play a game with them.

And it may be fun for designers to try and come up with new and innovative designs and shapes, but what is "new", when you see the following cards.........

        France, ca. 1450               <<550 years>>          Canada, ca. 2000

-1-   -2-   -3-   -4-   -5-   -6-