The name "Filmsterren" was given by the makers of the catalogue. It is not known how it was titled by SN.
Cards were given with packages of chewing gum and had to be collected. The 52 cards were printed on one sheet and the jokers on a separate sheet. The back design of both editions is the same.
The "B" version (not depicted) has a
number of different actors on the cards:
Hearts - Gilbert Bécaud on the 6 and Brigitte Bardot on the 9.
Spades - Gina Lollobrigida on the 3 and Audrey Hepburn on the 5.
Diamonds - Marina Vlady on the 9.
Clubs - Danielle Darrieux on the 2, Francoise Arnoul on the 3, Daniel Gélin on
the 8, Rex Harrison on the 9 and Jean Gabin on the King.