
"Pruisisch Beeld"

(Prussian Pattern)

Made in 1941 in offset print. Only version of 32 cards, measuring 58.5 x 100 mm.

Published by Bayer.

The Prussian pattern is one of the four decks with German card symbols, that were exported to Germany in great numbers during WWII. They were exported through J. van Broekhoven at first and from 1943 until December 1944 through the firm of Offermans, both in Utrecht.

The design of the cards was very similar to that which the German card manufacturers used as Prussian pattern. The pip cards (not shown) had so-called "genre scenes" on them, instead of the formerly used pictures of buildings and monuments.

There is no name of SN on the cards. They can be recognized by the 8 of hearts. Often this card was used by manufacturers to put their name on, but in the SN version this card has a drawing of a hind with her calf.

The Prussian pattern was printed in 5 colours, the back with an advertisement for Bayer in 6 colours.

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