


In this deck the reference to the African roots are more clear than in the Afrocentric deck. The garments and head wear of the courts definitely point in that direction. Here too there's no extra card with a description of the figures, so they probably depict fantasy royalty. The joker depicts a modern dressed "soul" brother on high heeled shoes, ready for the disco. Is that how the artist or publisher saw the disco loving Afro-Americans, as jokers, not in touch with their African roots?
We've tried to decipher the back design in vain, so we're still puzzled by it.
The deck was printed in the USA, but no name of the printer is given. The designs are copyrighted by Ollie Thompson, who could be the artist or the publisher or both. The deck consists of 52 cards and 2 (similar designed) jokers. It was published around 1975.



-0-  -1-  -2-  -3-  -4-  -5-  -6-  -7-  -8-  -9-  -10-