April 22


Today's deck comes from Portugal. I was reminded of it by the Patience Nr. 27 by Dondorf that I had picked up two days ago. It was still on my desk, but already on my site as a comparison with a similar Armanino deck, which was Deck of the Month in June 2013. Interested to see that comparison? Click HERE.
The Dondorf Nr. 27 deck, also referred to as 4 Continents Patience, was produced since 1868. The Armanino deck dates from around 1910 and had similarly looking, but different designs on the courts, aces and backs. Today's deck was lithographically printed and published as Cartas para Paciencias No 30 by J.J. Nunes from Lisbon around 1914. It has the exact same designs on courts and aces as the Dondorf deck. The printing was done by Nunes, but maybe Dondorf had provided the litho stones. In the Dondorf deck the name of Dondorf appears on every court card, but here the name of J.J. Nunes is only printed on the KH. The captions of the views on the aces are in Portuguese. On the backs the original Dondorf design is copied, but mirrored.