This deck was printed by Piatnik from Vienna, Austria, and published as a Galileo Multimedia Ltd. production as "Shakespeare by William Blake" in 2005. It has Piatnik Nr. 1465. As the title reveals, the illustrations were done by the illustreous British artist William Blake (1757-1827). It's a bit disappointing, but there are only a total of 9 different illustrations in the complete deck. Ten, if you include the joker, but even if the depicted figure of Macbeth was drawn by Blake, then still the complete design is somehow not in sinc with the rest of the deck. The illustrations show scenes from "A Midsummer Night's Dream"(3), "Henry VIII"(2), "Macbeth"(2) and "As you like it". Each of the Aces shows the imaginary portrait of William Shakespeare, which is in fact a detail from the backdesign. We've only shown the 10's here, because each of the suit's other numbercards has the same illustration. |
The deck consists of 52 cards, 2 jokers and 1 extra card.