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places and Monasteries; nor to let any of the aforesaid Master Workers, Companions or others work with them in the manufacturing of aforesaid cards and tarots, on penalty of disobedience and three thousand livres (pounds) fine, applied as above. We permit the Farmer, or his Clerks and Civil servants to make their visits in all Castles, Manors, Convents, Communities and all privileged places and others where they suspect that any contravention will be committed at his cost either in the manufacturing, selling or use of aforesaid Cards and Tarots, without any obstruction that can be brought to them for any reason or excuse that can be, provided nevertheless that the aforesaid Clerks will be assisted as stated above; and in case of refusal of aforesaid Visits We order all Judges, Commissioners, Provosts, Freemen and Archers to lend a strong hand and necessary assistance at the first request, on penalty of answering for it in their own and private name. We forbid all persons of any quality and condition they shall be, others than the aforesaid Merchants Card makers to sell and vendor any Playing cards, if they haven’t inscribed themselves beforehand in the Registers of the Farmer, who could make Visits to them, the same as to the Card makers, and in case of contravention will be subject to the same penalties as stated above. We equally forbid for all persons of what quality and condition they may be, to give to play, nor to play with cards other than those imprinted with |
the new print and mark of the Farmer after the aforesaid day of the next first of January; and for all Card makers, Peddlers, Candle makers and others to cut and resell the cards that have already been used, all this on the same penalties as above; Nevertheless We do not choose that the cards and tarots that will be send and carried outside the Kingdom will be subject to the aforesaid right; and to that effect, we order that the Workers and Merchants will be held to make their declarations at the Farmer’s Bureau of the quantity that they want to export, and afterwards send the blank sheets there to be printed there and marked the same as those of the Kingdom; and to distinguish them, these words will be printed on each card, FRANC POUR l’ETRANGER (=free |
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for abroad) in this manner the aforesaid Merchants will not be held to pay any right to the aforesaid Farmer. We explicitly prohibit and forbid our aforesaid Farmer to produce nor sell any cards, nor allow that they will be produced or sold by his Clerks and civil servants: the aforesaid Clerks of the farmer will be held to swear an oath in the usual way before the local Police Officers, and in the places of the manufacturing of the aforesaid cards they will enjoy the same privileges and exemptions that the Clerks of our the Farms enjoy. We want that the contraventions that could occur at fabrication as well as at sales against the aforesaid Cards and rights established by the present Edict, will be instructed and briefly judged; that is in our good City and Suburbs of Paris by the Lieutenant General of Police; and in other Cities, during two years only, by the Superintendents and Commissioners appointed in our Provinces and their Subordinates; after this time the knowledge will belong to the Lieutenant Generals and other Police Officers appointed by our Edicts of the months of October and November sixteen hundred nineteen nine, denied to all other Judges. We want moreover that the Statutes and Regulations of the Master Card makers, from the good city of Paris as well as from others in our Kingdom, shall be executed according to their form and content; and we order to the Lieutenant Generals and other Police Officers to maintain it. SO WE CHARGE our Friends and Vice |
Councillors the people holding our Council of Parliament in Grenoble, that they must read, publish and register our present Edict, even in time of a sitting, and follow, guard and observe in this the content according to form and tendency; ending and making an end to all disruptions and hindrances that might be put or given, in spite of all Edicts, Declarations, Regulations and other opposed matters, from which we have deviated and deviate by the aforesaid present Edict ; to Copies made comparable to this by one of our Friends and Vice Councillors Secretaries, We want that credence shall be given as to the Original; Because this pleases us; and in order that this shall be a closed and lasting matter, We have made our legal seal put here. Given in Fontainebleau in the |
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of October the year of our Lord seventeen
hundred one, and of our reign the fifty-ninth. Signed LOUIS. And further
below, For the King, COLBERT. And on the side is written, Viewed,
PHELIPEVUX. And even further below is written, to view in the Council,
PHELIPEAUX. Sealed with the great seal of green wax on strings of red
and green silk. At
the request presented to the Court by the Attorney General of the King,
serving for publication and registration of the Edict given by his
Majesty at Fontainebleau in the month of October seventeen hundred one,
holding introduction in benefit of the aforesaid Majesty of a right of
eighteen deniers on each deck of playing cards, and Regulations for the
Master card makers. To
view by the Court the aforesaid Edict. The Court, the assembled
Chambers, confirming the aforesaid Request, have ordered and order, that
the aforesaid Edict concerning the Playing cards, and the Master card
makers, will be read and published in public sitting, and registered at
the Record Office of the aforesaid Court, to be then executed following
form and content: That several comparable copies will be send by one of
its Secretaries to the Presidial |
for a
reading , publication and registration there, at the desire of the
Substitutes of the Attorney General of the King, who will certify this
to the Court within the month , on penalty of answering for it in their
own and private name. Made in Parliament the twenty first November
seventeen hundred one. Read
and published in public sitting the assembled Chambers: Heard and
demanding this the Attorney General of the King. Extract from the Registers of the Civil Record Office of the Court of
the Parliament of Dauphiné. |