In April 2004 I started this section and a 175 decks later I myself had trouble finding certain decks for consultation. During the summer of 2021 I decided to create an index page, but I had only just started when health problems forced me to concentrate on other matters than playing cards and the idea of the index page was forgotten. You may thank José Luiz Pagliari for reminding me of this project so I could finish it.

Links (month - year) will open a chosen deck in a new window. The index page will always remain a separate window, no matter how many new windows you open.

We have always sorted our collection by country of the manufacturer or publisher, if the maker is unknown. On this page the decks by unknown manufacturers can be found under X. The unknown manufacturer is represented by a ? and then the country of the manufacturer is given. In some cases the country of publication is mentioned between brackets.

MNE = Maestros Naiperos Espagnoles
NSF = Nederlandsche Speelkaarten Fabriek
SN = Speelkaartenfabriek Nederland
VSS = Vereinigte Stralsunder Spielkartenfabriken



A ABO Kortfabrik: Art Deco, 1941 (05-20) Ackermann, Rudolph: Beatrice or the Fracas, 1819 (12-24) Ad Magic (US): "Rocky Horror", 2008 (08-09) Akord: "Beware of the Dog!", 2007 (02-11)
Aluminum Manufacturing Co.: St. Louis Worldsfair, 1904 (10-20 Angel PCC: "Les Cartes à Jouer par Takeo Takei", 1974 (08-19) Armanino Fr: "Carte per Signora", c1910 (06-13) Armanino, S.A.I.G.A: "Whist No. 200", 1910 (06-19)
Artscow (HK): MPCC "Barribal", 2009 (09-09) Arnau, Tip. Litl J.M.: "Cinematografica", c1930 (01-23)
B Baay, Anita de: no title (44/66), 1992  (04-11) Backofen, J.G.F.: Churbayerisch pattern, c1800 (11-17) BEJC: 4th lustrum, 2008 (05-08) Biermans, Leonard: Bongout 11B?, 1880's (11-08)
Biermans, Leonard: "Jeu des Alliés", 1919 (06-17)
Biermans, Leonard SA: "High Life", c1930 (12-19) Boman, A: "Classic Brown", 1897 (01-17) Boman, A: Gunnar Hallström, 1900 (12-12)
Brépols&Dierckx Zoon: "Cartes Flamandes", 1903 (10-14) Brépols&Dierckx Zoon: "Cartes Allemandes", 1890's (01-18) Brepols, Ets.: "Vieille France", 1919 (03-18) Brepols, Ets.: "Cartes Imperiales", 1920's (02-15)
Brepols, Ets.: Swiss pattern, 1920's (05-17) Brown&Bigelow: "Brown Derby", 1950 (12-08)
C Cartamundi: "Liens de Chaumet", 2009 (10-09 Ceska Graficka Unie SA: "Finest Bridge-Whist No. 11", 1920 (01-20) Chicago Standard PCC: "Vistas de Lima", c1920 (05-10) Cook Co, C.P.H.: "Prince Charles", 1897 (07-19)
Cotta, J.C.: "Classical Antiquity", 1806 (07-15)
D Daveluy: Moyen Age (Medieval), second edition, 1850 (09-23) Daveluy: Moyen Age (Medieval), early edition, 1850's (08-22) Daveluy: Luxury pattern with characters in historical style, 1st ed. 1868 (05-24 Daveluy: Historical Characters Patience, c1870 (03-11)
Daveluy: Historical Figures & Jesters, c1870 (08-23) Daveluy: Transformation deck, c1870 (10-17) De Top: "Pim Leefsma Playing Cards", 2020 (11-20) Dondorf, B.: "Cartes Comiques", c1860 (03-22)
Dondorf, B.: "Cartes Enchantées Musicales", c1860 (09-22) Dondorf, B.: "Whist No 230", c1865 (03-12) Dondorf, B.: "No. 194 Burma Cards", 1867 (03-14) Dondorf, B.: "Klub Karte", c1868 (07-07)
Dondorf, B.: "Vues et Costumes Suisses", c1870 (04-12) Dondorf, B.: "Hausmann Deck" (1st ed. 2nd var.), 1870's (04-20) Dondorf, B.: Rhineland pattern, 1st ed., Napoleon aces, 1870's (08-20) Dondorf, B.: Java Playing Cards, 1890's (04-21)
Dondorf, B.: "Centennial", 1933 (10-18) Dubois, J.T.: Gatteaux "Empire", 1811 or c1815 (01-24) Dubroca, Roland: Amis du Nouveau Commerce, 1977 (06-08) Ducale, La: "Vie Parissienne", 1963, (11-14)
Duchifat Press, Jerusalem: "Artistic Palestine Play-Card", c1920 (11-24)
E Edizione Il Meneghello: Carte Toscane (repro), 1996 (05-22)
F Flemming&Wiskott: Historical Figures, c1930 (05-12) Fournier, Viuda e Hijos: "Naipe Historico Ibero Americano", 1929 (10-19) Fournier, Heraclio: Loewe, 1959 (01-22) Fritzsche, J.G.: Radisch deck, 1883 (03-17)
Frommann, Maximilian: Luxury pattern, Heidelberg aces, 1860's (11-18) Frommann, Maximilian: Jeanne Hachette, c1865 (02-23) Frommann, Maximilian: Bezique, c1870 (05-15) Frommann&Morian: Sofa pattern, c1885 (01-16)
Frommann&Morian: "Whist No. 60", c1900 (05-07) Frommann&Morian: Frankfurt pattern, Paris Aces, c1900 (02-18)
G Genechten, A. van: "Bongout", c1890 (07-22) Genechten, A. van: "Jeu Neptune Nr. 105", 1893  (10-23) Genechten, A. van: "Nr. 100", c1925 (09-08) Gerich, Karl: Victoria Playing Cards (nr. 29), 1990 (08-21)
Geûens-Seaux: "Mediaeval", 1895 (09-10) Geûens-Seaux: "Lenormand", 1895 (01-25) Gibert, O.: "Costumes Historiques", 1853 (05-21) Gibert, O.: "Costumes Historiques Anglais", c1856 (02-24)
Gibert, O.: "Cartes Parisiennes", 1860's (07-20) Goodall & Son: Monarchies 19th century, c1900 (02-14) Goodall, Chas & Son: "The Heroic Set", 1920's (06-12) Goodall, Chas & Son: South Africa: "Souvenir", c1920 (07-13)
Granbergs AB: "Patiencekort nr 121", c1930 (09-11) Grimaud, B.P.,: "Cartes Indiennes", c1900 (06-07) Grimaud, B.P.,: "Jeu Moyen Age", c1900 (08-15) Grimaud, B.P.,: "Cartes Hollandaises", 1920's (10-08)
Grimaud, B.P.: "No147" Trente et Quarante, 1930's? (08-10) Grimaud, B.P.,: "Systeme D", 1972 (07-14) Grimaud, B.P.,: "Chasseur des Mines Tripartite", 1974 (12-14)
H Heilmeier, Siegfried: "Karikatur", 1983 (05-09) Heinis & Schipper: "A Dutch Transformation Deck", 2019 (09-19)
I Internationale Spielkartenfabrik A.G.: "Whist No. 140", 1923 (01-13) Imprimerie Chardon ainé, F.: "Jeu Impérial aux Armes des Quatre Empires", 1858 (09-16) Imprimerie Courbe-Rouiet: Chocolate Cards, c1910 (04-19) Imprimerie du Compagnonnage: S.C.A.C. deck, 1960's (03-21)
Imprimerie Plouviez & Cie. Paris: "Coca Cola", 1950's (04-15)
K Kimberley Press Ltd.: "Kimberley's Royal National Patriotic Playing Cards", 1893 (03-24) Kristiania Lithografiske Aktiebolag: "Dragon", 1910 (05-18)
L Lapin, A & Co.: Fantasy pattern, 1930's, (10-13)
Lattmann, F.A.: "No 9", c1880 (04-07) Lattmann, F.A.: "Die Feine Welt", 1923 (07-10) Lattmann, F.A.: "Gewändern", c1925 (05-16)
Lenssen, G.: Nationale Speelkaarten", 1850's (10-15) Lenssen, G.: "Standard-like pattern", c1850 (07-24) Lenssen, G.: "Batavia" (or "Lohengrin & Tannhäuser"), c1858 (12-22) Lewis, Elaine M.: "Coney Island" (transformation), 1994 (09-20)
Lewis, Elaine M.: "Once upon a Time" (transformation), 2020 (10-24) L.G.L.: "Bridgpoker", c1946-1950 (04-24) Lit. M. Garcia: "Baraja Zoologica", 1930's (10-22) LKS Heinrich Gerlich: H.Schwarz "K. Spät", 1948 (04-13)
M Maclure, Macdonald & Macgregor: "Nursery Rhymes" transformation deck (04-23) Maurin, Charles: Jeu Aluette, 1865 (12-21) Mesmaekers Frères: "Cartes Imperiales Extra Fines No. 45", 1920's (11-22) Mignani, Grafiche U.: "Sinfonia 1965, 1965 (09-14)
Modiano: Football, 1994 (02-09)
MNE: "Célebres Amantes", 2007 (10-07) MRC Publ.: "The Old Tyme Circus", 2007 (03-08) Müller, Johann: American Aces, 1870's (01-11)
Müller & Cie: "Swiss Regional Costumes", c1870 (12-16) Müller & Cie: "Nr. 41 Swiss Luxus Jass", 1921 (11-15) Müller & Cie: "Whist Nr. 27", luxury pattern, 1920's (12-23) Müller & Cie: "Biomarine", 1947 (02-13)
Müller AG: "Odiot", 1975 (09-12)
N Naipes Comas: Velmonit Mona Lisa, 1995 (03-10) Naipes Siméon Dura: "El Barco" (repro), 2000's (04-10) NSF: "Dietsche Kaart" (SMN), c1910 (12-09) NSF: "Tegelkaart", c1910 (11-11)
NSF: "Rhenania", c1910 (09-13)
O Oberg, J.O.&Son: "Prima Spelkort Nr 365", 1915 (02-12) Oberg, J.O.&Son: "Regent Kort" (No 365A), 1928 (10-12)
P Panetto& Petrelli A G: Voto, 1951 (06-11) Perceval: "Les Cinq Parties du Monde", 1953 (02-22) Piatnik, F. & Son: Czech Hirstorical, 1920's (03-15) Piemme Graphics: "Carte di Colombo", 1992 (05-11)
Press of the Wooly Whale: "26th Yankee Division", 1933 (03-20) Printissa: "Kashmir", 2005 (10-10)
R Rhoon BV: Int. Football Players, 1963 (01-15) Rue, Thomas de la: "Continental I", 1890 (11-12) Rue, Thomas de la: "Electrical Mah Jong", 1924 (11-23) Rue, Thomas de la: "Film Star I", 1933 (06-09)
Rue, Thomas de la: "Film Star II", 1933 (09-17)
S Salomon, S & Co.: Pattern B, 1890's (06-14) Schmid, F.X.: "Künstler Spielkarten", c1930, (01-19) Schneider&Co: "German Playing Cards", c1895 (09-18) Schneider&Co: "Leipziger Messe", 1897 (06-23)
Shanghai Sarui Inc: "WWII Glamour Girls", 2007 (02-08) SIACA: Erminio Mascoli, 1980 (07-21) SN: "Moyen Age", 1911, (08-24) SN: "Neerlandia B", 1916, (08-17)
SN: "Neerlandia C", 1917 (07-16)
SN: "Fortuna", Amstel version for H.A.L, 1929 (09-24) SN: "Heineken", 1941 (11-21) SN: Movie Stars, 1958 (09-15)
Spindulis: "Columns of Gediminas", c1930 (08-18) Spindulis: "Klubams", c1930 (03-19) Spindulis: Kunigaiksciai (Dukes), c1930 (12-20) State Monopoly Playing Cards: "XVIII Century, 1930 (07-18)
Schwarz, Heinrich & Co (Nürnberger Spielkartenfabrik): "Skat Spielkarte", 1954 (04-22)
T Trevi: "Amsterdam", 2010 (08-11)
U Universal PCC Ltd: "Warburgs Luksus-Bridgekort", c1930 (11-19) USPCC: "Hustling Joe Nr 61",1895 (08-12) USPCC: "Circus Nr. 47", 1896 (04-18) USPCC: "The Stage No. 65x", 1896 (06-24)
USPCC: New Standard (Australia), 2010 (02-10) USPCC: "Butterfly", 2012 (01-14) USPCC: "Connie Lim", 2014 (05-14)
V Valst Papiru: "Latvian Costumes", 1918 (02-20)
Valst Papiru: "Third Latvian", 1932 (01-12) Valst Papiru: "Fifth Latvian", 1936 (06-20) Valst Papiru: "Spelu Kartis No 5", 1940's (02-21)
Vannini, FCGV: "Pocker", 1945 (12-10) Viglino, D.: La Flibuste Françoise", c1950 (06-15) VEB Altenburg: Heimdal Spillekort, 1956 (02-25) VSS: "Fijnste Java Speelkaarten Nr.117", c1880 (03-13)
VSS: Portuguese Aces, c1890 (01-09) VSS Altenburg: "Whist No. 260", 1898 (09-07) VSS: "German Unity Cards", c1915 (08-14) VSS: "Deutsche Trachten", 1927 (03-16)
VSS Halle: "Münchner Jugend", 1898 (06-16)
W Weege, David: "untitled" Dutch deck, c1770/80 (07-23) Wüst, C.L.: Swiss Costumes, c1860 (11-09) Wüst, C.L.: Swiss Costumes, c1875 (08-08) Wüst, C.L.: "Veils pattern" (scenic aces), c1890 (07-09)
Wüst, C.L.: Veils pattern, plain aces, 1890's (06-21) Wüst, C.L.: "Historical", 1898 (12-13) Wüst, C.L.: "National Swiss Costumes No 93", c1900 (12-17) Wüst, C.L.: "Transvaalkaart", 1903 (07-11)
Wüst, C.L.: "Mediaeval", c1910 (06-10) Wüst, C.L.: "Patience No 240", c1910 (10-11) Wüst, C.L.: "Patience No 250", c1910 (11-16)
X ?, Belgium: "Swiss pattern", 1870's (04-09)
?, Canada: "Carnival" (Trinidad), 2000's (01-10) ?, Canada: "Game of Nations, c1900 (04-14) ?, China: "Pips & Paws" (UK), 2007 (07-08)
?, China: "Volcom" (US), 2008 (03-09) ?, China: "Haere Mai" (New Zealand). 2017 (07-17) ?, China: "Royal Mischief" (USA), 2016 (02-16) ?, China: "Royal Mischief Transformation" (USA), 2019 (05-19)
?, Cuba: "Cuba Souvenir", 1934 (05-13) ?, France: Single Image French Pattern", 1816 (11-10) ?, France: " Petit Oracle des Dames", c1895 (08-16) ?, France: "Transcott", 1950's (10-16)
?, France: "L.B", c1960 (06-22) ?, Germany: "Kinderkarte, c1860 (11-13) ?, Indonesia: "Garuda Airlines", 1980's (12-07) ?, Italy: Liebig fortune telling mini deck, 1939 (09-21)
?, Lithuania: "36 Antique Beauties Photo's" (08-07) ?, Netherlands: Transformation deck, c1900 (12-11) ?, Netherlands: ?, c1920 (04-08) ?, Netherlands: "G.W." c1946 (11-07)
?, New Zealand: Muir & Moodie Pictorial, c1903 (07-12) ?, Portugal: "SIBS" c2000 (01-08) ?, Portugal: "Gatos Baralhados" (Cats), 2018 (02-19) ?, Romania: Historical Figures, c1920 (06-18)
?, Spain: "Futbolista" for Amattler chocolates, c1927 (05-23) ?, Spain: "Orús Chocolates" by J. Bofarull, 1932 (03-23) ?, UK: BATCO Women, c 1908 (01-21) ?, UK: Movie Stars, 1920's (12-18)
?, USA: "Harlequin Transformation deck", 1879 (04-17) ?, USA: "Logger Reno 711", 1979 (12-15) ?, Zimbabwe: "Zimbabwe Playing Cards", 1980's (08-13) ?. Antique deck (maker and country unknown), 19th century (02-17)
Handmade Tjimahi POW deck, maker unknown, 1942 (04-16) Handmade leather deck: date, maker and country unknown (10-21)