3 early photographic Pinup decks
from St. Louis, MO.

-DECK 3-




deck 1


deck 2


No matches were found for the pictures above.


deck 1


deck 2

Final score: 53 cards, 16 new pics!


With a score like this, where the percentages are ca. 70% old against 30% new, it's not inconcievable that the people who had already bought the first 2 decks in those days would have felt a bit cheated. Not only is the "NEW" in the advertising slogan an obvious lie, the "EXOTIC" in that same slogan is an overstatement. By mutilating (cutting and pasting) the original pictures all the "exotic" props were deleted from sight and replaced by a rhyme, that sometimes hints to an "exotic" origin of the model. More often the rhyme turns out to be a blatant lie too: let's look at the 3 of Diamonds here above........a student.......books? I bet her name isn't Louise either!

in other words.............A CHEAP TRICK!

But I'm glad that we bought this deck 40 years later. For us it does not feel like a cheap trick anymore, but rather another amusing attempt to get this "exotic art" across the counter. And the deck shows the progress that was made, as well in time as in ethics. Here no more art(efacts), no more background, but just basic nudity. Only a flimsy rhyme to keep up the appearance of something more erudite. But when we see the porn decks that flock the market 40 years later, we can't help but cherish these oldfashioned decks.


-1-  -2-  -3-  -4-  -5-  -6-  -7-


  or  -2-