The term
anamorphosis (from ancient Greek: transformation) is
used in art for the distortion of images or drawings in a regular and specified
manner. The actual designs can be seen in their correct proportions with
the aid of a spherical mirror. It was initiated by Leonardo Da Vinci and
Albracht Dürer in the 16th century in a simple form by change of
perspective (e.g. viewing from the side) with the help of special
mirrors. The more complicated techniques had their heydays in the 17th
and 18th century. It takes a great deal of artistic skill to make a
correct anamorphic representation of an object or figure. |
This deck was printed by J.M. Simon and published as "Anamorphoses" by Grimaud in 1983. It shows erotic, anamorphic designs by Pino Zac on the courts, aces and joker. The deck comes in square box with a round tube that functions as a spherical mirror and shows the undistorted designs when the tube is placed on the suns or moons that are found on every card.
The deck consists of 52 cards, 2 jokers, an extra card and a leaflet.
An enlarged scan to show you how a card looks in the tube's spherical mirror. |