Januari 27
not often seen French deck today. In fact we have only seen it twice in all our
years of browsing the French flea markets and antique shops. I don’t recall
the first time, but the second time was in Lille, where I managed to gather one
complete deck from a big stack of assorted French cards. It wasn’t in the
excellent condition of our first deck, so it was sold on eBay. We were very
surprised that the buyer was Jean Verame.
There’s no name or reference on any of the cards, but according to Yvette de
Smet the deck was printed by I.B.F (Imprimerie Boéchat Frères) from Bordeaux
and published as nr.3. She didn’t give a
date. It looks like 1930’s, but may just as well be from a later date. We have
never found a joker with this deck, but I still like the style and colours of
the designs. Plain aces.
Once again, if there’s any French or other collector with more info……..
Frankrijk 250A; wikkel opzoeken?
Pascal Pette:
C'est possible que ce jeu est été imprimé à Bordeaux par Héron. Le
dessin du trèfle est très caractéristique. On le retrouve sur un jeu au
"Portrait officiel" que je possède qui est dans un étui plastique à
l'effigie du célèbre Héron de la marque.