"Islenzk Spil"
King (t) - Siðu-Hallur was
one of the first chieftains to embrace the Christian faith. Known for his wisdom
and settling feuds.
King (b) - Njáll Thorgeirsson was known
for his wisdom. his knowledge of the law. Principal character in the Njála
Queen (t) - Thorbjörg Kolbrún
was the lady love and muse of Thormóður
Bersason, the Kolbrún poet.
Queen (b)
- Bergthóra Skarphéðinsdóttir was the
wife of Njáll of Berhthórshváll. She refused to leave the house in which her
husband and sons were burned in 1011. A.D.
Jack (t) - Skarphéðinn
Njálsson was the son of Njáll and Bergthóra, a strong and brave man.
Jack (b)
- Thormóður Kolbrúnarskáld was a poet
and a soldier in the army of St. Olafur, King of Norway. He was killed in
theBattle of Stiklastaðir.
King (t) - Gunnar Hámunudarson, a
friend of Njáll, was outlawed, but didn't flee from his homeland. He was killed
at his home in Lithend after a renowned defence.
King (b) - Olafur
Pái was the son of the goði (priest)
Höskuldur Dalakollsson and the Irish princess Melkorka and a popular chieftain.
Queen (t) - Hallgerður
Langbrók was a beautiful woman with fair hair, married to Gunnar Hámundarson.
When his bowstring broke during the defence of their house, he asked her for a
lock of hair. She refused and he was killed.
Queen (b) - Guðrun
was a beautiful woman. She was married 4 times and survived all her husbands.
Jack (t) - Kári Sölmundarson was Njáll's
son-in-law. He escaped from the burning of Njáll and revenged his parents'
death by killing most of those who had partaken in the burning.
Jack (b) -
Kjartan Olafsson was the son of Olafur Pái. A great swimmer, known for his
contest with King Olafur Tryggvason of Norway, and the main character in the
Joker - Hreidarr Heimski, Hreidarr the Stupid.
Above: Joker, extra card and backdesign of deck 1. Below: deck 2.