
# 35


Ice-skating and playing cards

I'm a bit late with this subject. Winter ended on February 29, 2008. In the Netherlands we did not suffer from much snow or extreme low temperatures. The winters have changed in my country, they are mild now. In the past we have had very cold winters. Most Dutch like to ice-skate and with all the rivers, canals and lakes that we have there is plenty room for it.

An unknown 18th century artist, probably an art student from Germany, made this nice illustration of an ice-skater. His type of ice-skates is typical for the Northern part of The Netherlands. These skates were for easy ice-skating. He is smoking a pipe. On the reverse side text in German: ‘No. 28 Various Pictures’


Playing card maker unknown, Germany?


Hard to believe when you see me now, but in my youth I liked to ice-skate too. It was a family tradition. My grandmother have been ice-skating until she was in her seventies. Albert, my older brother used to participate in long distance tours. Like many Dutch he dreamed of skating the Elfstedentocht, a famous single day ice-skating track along eleven towns in the Northern province of Friesland. An event for die hards only. Some call it hell on ice. There is an ice-skating museum in Friesland where they show frozen toes and fingers that had to be amputated after the race.

Nowadays skaters protect themselves against cold with high tech skating suits. They buy their aerodynamic shoe skates one size too large, to be able to wear extra warm socks. And to prevent blisters, they place a modern, smooth playing card on the heel between the skate and the sock. In this way, the heel can easily glide over the card. After the fun the playing card is completely worn out. No problem. Next day a new playing card will do the trick.

Playing card used to prevent blisters in skates of Mr. Wassenburg, Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands.
Gift from his daughter Iris.
Playing card maker Carta Mundi, Turnhout, Belgium.

Enjoy Spring!


