
# 33


What a great way to start 2008: a miracle!

In 1724 an election took place in Ireland for a government position as Manor in the town of Mullingar. The loser, John Nugent, declared that the election had been unfair, since the winner was not a resident of Mullingar. Playing cards were used to invite people to attend the hearing of the Election Committee on January 21, 1724. The playing card and the printed lawsuit by John Nugent were kept by his relatives. The winner’s printed defense of the election was recovered 275 years later. All three documents are brought together - a miracle of coincidence!

Announcement of political complaint, Irish, 1724. Playing card maker unknown, England.                      Coll. Gejus van Diggele.

(Click the papers here below to read them in full size)

Complaint of John Nugent about false election, Irish, 1724.
In this official document John Nugent describes his complaint about the unfair election, which he had lost to someone who had no right to the governmental position, since he was not a resident of Mullingar.
Coll. Gejus van Diggele.


Defense to the complaint of false election, Irish, 1724.
This is the authentic printed defense written by the winner of the election to become Manor of Mullingar.
Coll. Gejus van Diggele.



For 2008 I wish you many, many miracles!

