
# 32


Not in my collection, unfortunately.

December is a month of celebrations. In the Netherlands we celebrate Sinterklaas on December 5th. Partly based on historic facts and partly on a legend, Saint Nicholas is a friend of children of good behavior. To celebrate his birthday he and his (artificially) black assistants, named Zwarte Piet, arrive by boat from Spain in the Netherlands a few weeks before December 5th, when he delivers his presents and sweets at our homes.

Of course we also celebrate Christmas, either according to Christian tradition or in the commercial way, with presents brought by Santa Claus. And on New Year's Eve it is a Dutch tradition to celebrate the new year with fire works in the streets just after 0.00 hour. Beautiful, colourful flashes in the sky, but loud and extremely polluting on ground level.

The first celebration in this time of the year however takes place on November 11th. In parts of the North the feast of St. Maarten, another children's friend, is celebrated on that day, but in the South of the Netherlands it's the kick-off for carnival. People there begin creating the special dresses and costumes that they will wear in the local carnival parades, taking place in February.

Jos Sandbergen and Jeanne Hoonings, the ladies in the picture were inspired by the exhibition "Small Cards, Great Stories" in the Belgian Playing Card Museum in Turnhout, not far from their home in Eindhoven, in the South of the Netherlands.

Impressed by the displayed dress created by Belgian playing card collector Lisette Devry, Jos and Jeanne decided to be playing card Queens in the Eindhoven street parade last February. Their appearance was so original and eye catching, that it was awarded with the highest honour. Due to this fact the ladies were invited as special guests in carnival parades in other towns.

Both ladies are passionate bridge players. Their dresses and hats were decorated with many real playing cards of different sizes. Pure secondary use!

As you will understand, I have tried to get the beautiful dresses in my collection, but no luck. It's like a game of cards: sometimes you win, sometimes you loose. Or, as my mother used to say: "You can't have it all".

I have no idea of their plans, but I wish both ladies success in the 2008 street parade. And to all of you.... make it a great Christmas and a very lucky New Year!

