
# 3


Proof of one day's work, French, 1777.

"Jean Antoine Silvestre, son of Jean du Pons from Cerniere, has worked one day with his donkey. 9 April 1777."

With this proof, the man with the donkey could collect his wages from his employer.
Written on the back is
"Agreed: 1 pound and 6 pennies".


Gejus van Diggele Collection. Cat.nr. 1996.



Playing card maker unknown, France.


In the French regions until 1816 it was forbidden by law to print the backs of playing cards. This explains why we find so many secondary use of playing cards in France. Business receipts, invoices, loans and financial notations on playing cards must have been very common in the 17th and 18th century since there are so many left.

