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This first deck here was printed and published by Frommann & Bünte from Darmstadt, Germany, around 1885. The set of aces came with a pattern, that we here call the "sofa pattern", because 2 of the queens are sitting on a sofa, the other queens wear veils. QH with company logo. The aces show b/w scenes in a greenish tone of Zaandam, Scheveningen, Leiden, Utrecht, Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam and Dordrecht. |
The following was made by F. A. Lattmann and it comes with b/w scenic aces of Zaandam, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Dordrecht, Scheveningen, The Hague, Leeuwarden and Middelburg. |
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This deck was published as "No. 9" (on JC) ca. 1890. The makers logo (FAL) is on the JH. The used scenes were probably copied from earlier available images. They seem to date from the mid 19th century. The scene of Rotterdam can also be found in the deck by Frommann&Morian, that is shown here below. |
The deck was printed by Frommann & Morian from Darmstadt, Germany, and published ca. 1900 for the Dutch market as "Fijne Speelkaarten" or "Whist No. 60". The courts have a standard Frankfurt pattern. |
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It is not an exact copy of the scene in the Lattmann deck, but apparently the same basic design was used. One can only guess that etchings of scenes from different Dutch towns were available and used as a source to create the scenes on the aces. Maybe it's a coincidence, but the opposite image of the town of Dordrecht also shows the same similarity in design as the opposite scene on the Lattmann ace. The chosen scenes on the other Frommann & Morian aces are different or show different towns. |
On the Ace of Hearts the Amsterdam scene shows the "Paleis voor Volksvlijt" (Palace of National Industry), which was build between 1855 and 1864, but here on the front the "Gallery" is depicted. That gallery hosted luxury shops and was added to the west side of the palace in 1883. The Palace of National Industry was destroyed by fire in 1929. The gallery survived the fire and was in use as a shopping arcade until 1960. |
Probably around 1890 Frommann & Morian had already published a deck with Dutch scenic aces, as shown above. The courts have an obsolete, bongout-like pattern in which the Queens all wear a veil. The company logo -an anchor- is on the Jack of Clubs. |
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The same set of aces also exists in a coloured version, which came with a more luxurious patterned deck by Frommann & Morian from around 1895. On the Ace of Diamonds the Kurhaus in Scheveningen is depicted. This monumental hotel was officially opened in July 1885. In 1886 the hotel was completely destroyed by fire, but it was rebuilt within a year. In one of the halls the "Club de Scheveningue" was opened, where one could play a game of baccarat or écarte. This ancestor of the present casino was closed in 1905. |