December 2020



December is always a hectic month, but somehow this time it seemed extra hectic. Although the "complete" lockdown here started on the 15th I had several dinner appointments at friends. I also started a new "lockdown series" in the Kings, Queens & Jacks of All Times group on Facebook. That means posting a different deck each day there. Interested to follow that on a daily basis, here's the link: Kings, Queens & Jacks of all times. And if you're not on Facebook, you will have to wait until the lockdown is over and visit the page that I will create afterwards, just like I did with the first lockdown series.

This month I didn't receive any decks in the mail and there are still no bourses, markets or other places to go to for the playing cards hunt. So once more I had to dig in the boxes with decks that still have to be processed into the collection.

This month's choice was printed by Spindulys Printing Company from Kaunas, Lithuania, and published there as Kunigaiksciai (Dukes) around 1930. It's the second edition of this deck. The first had somewhat different line embellishments on the aces. The deck was printed in offset, but the courts show some strong portraits. ENJOY!





The deck consists of 52 cards, 1 joker and 2 blank cards. It came in a plastic box.