Lewiss Caroll (Daresbury, 27/1/1832 - Guildford, 13/1/1898) is the writer's name of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. He was an English mathematician and logic thinker and finished his studies "cum laude" at Christ Church College, Oxford, in 1854. Later he became a lector there, until 1881. But he became famous for his children's books.

His most famous works are:

- Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865)
- Through the Looking Glass (1872)
- The Hunting of the Snark (1876)

Charles Dodgson was a somewhat neurotic and quaint man. Social intercourse with adults was difficult for him, but he was at ease in his relations with young girls. He could do magic tricks and always carried something with him to amuse the children that he met. At the University of Oxford he became socially associated with a fellow lector, Henri Liddell. His daughter, Alice Pleasance Liddell, became the muse of Charles Dodgson.

On July 4th 1862 Dodgson made a boat trip with Alice and her 2 sisters. While they were rowed from Oxford to Godstow, Dodgson told the girls a very funny story in which a certain Alice played the leading part. Afterwards Alice asked him to write down the story. He did and later that year he printed one copy by hand and made some illustrations with it. He gave the result to Alice as a birthday present, entitled "Alice's Adventures Under Ground". In 1865 a more elaborate version was published as "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland", illustrated by Sir John Tenniel.

Nowadays Charles Dodgson would probably be suspected of a pedofile inclination, but in his days one thought nothing wrong of these (often non-sexual) relations between adults and children. Still the relation between Dodgson and Alice was ended by Alice's mother in 1863. The reason for this was never explained.

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As usual, the deck consists of 52 cards and 2 jokers.




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