The Eisbergfreistadt project was supported by several
fabricated documents. The "Lübecker Zeitung" of 17 November 1923
tells the story on page 24 and 25. Although the captions beneath the pictures are
in German, the story is told in English. In the story itself Kahn &
Selesnick mix in some true historical figures: Walter Gropius and Wenzel Hablik
were actual architects and artists and the Crystal Chain movement did really
In some of the German captions Kahn & Selesnick have mixed in their initials: the
ice-breaker in the pictures in called the K & S.
But again there's some humour
too: according to the German caption the ice-bear is hauled aboard for the cook
to prepare a delicious meal and the picture at the bottom shows..... "the cook at
work", although he looks more like a Turkish civilian, ready to throw out
the dishwater. And the story about the end of the iceberg is quite funny too.
One of the other "historical documents"
supporting the exhibition were the postcards. Here a few nice examples of this
artificial truth.
The last postcard shows one of the figures that appear in
the deck too:
this "birdman", wading through the river in the Werra valley near
Heidemünden, can be found on the King of Birds.