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Elaine M. Lewis is an artist, who likes to keep a low profile. If it was up to her these pages would never have been on the internet. Other publications of her decks on the internet have caused attention for her, that she doesn't welcome. So in order to avoid any attempts to contact her -for business or hobby- we will not give any information about herself and hopefully she will remain "a mystery guest". I hope our visitors will respect her feelings and privacy too.

Nevertheless her work  and decks was well worth showing. Elaine Lewis has found a vivid and imaginative way of using and alternating traditional designs. Her characters on the courts are often based on the international pattern. This is basicly a "flat" design. In the decks of Elaine Lewis the courts truely come to life and are full of energy. 

This deck that is on xpo here is called "Greek Myth". It was published in a limited edition of 50 decks in 2003. The courts represent the signs of the Zodiac. The numbercards portray characters and events from the Greek mythology.

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