(Medieval Europe and the New World)



THE UNICORN - The "gentle noble beast" of Medieval legend. Although too fleet and powerful to be caught by men, he could be charmed and tamed by a beautiful maiden. His horn was a sure antidote for poison.

THE GRIFFIN - Though this fierce composite of eagle and lion is known all over the world, he is most identified with European legend, and is an important figure in heraldry.

THE SEA-BISHOP - There are many sworn accounts by European sailors describing this ugly, but harmless creature of the deep.


THE HIPPOGRIFF - This monster is of the "second generation" of fabulous beasts; his mother was a common mare, but his father was a griffin.

THE SU - Also known as a Succarath, this monster was a fierce predator in South America. Her palm-leaf tail was a shelter for the bay Sus, who were carried on her back.

THE ORC - This Leviathan of the Northern Seas was huge as an island, shapeless, and had scales of iron and the tusks of a boar.



THE WYVERN - A bird-like reptile much seen in Medieval herealdry. Similar to the Basilisk, but with a dragon's head, it was a herald of pestilence and war.

THE GLAISTIG - This creature of Sctland, part goat and part woman, was more mischievous than dangerous. In fact, she could sometimes be coaxed to take care of children and do housework.

QUETZALCOATL - A gigantic, bird-feathered serpent who came out of the sea to govern and instruct the Aztec people.