The Hoogesluis bridge is one of the many that cross the river Amstel to connect the center with the eastern part of the city. The first bridge was build in the 17th century. It was replaced by the present bridge, which was designed by W.H. Springer in Parisian style, in 1883. The famous Amstel Hotel is situated on the eastern bank. Ace
of Hearts by Mesmaekers, Belgium, ca. 1930. |
Ace of Hearts, Wilhelmina cards,
C.L. Wüst, Germany, 1890.
On the city side of the bridge there used to be the Paleis van Volksvlijt (Palace of National Industry), which was depicted on other aces than shown on this page here. Interested in its history, click HERE.
Ace of Clubs, Mesmaekers, Belgium, around 1930. |
of Hearts, Speelkaartenfabriek Nederland, Netherlands, ca. 1915.