Started in March 2004, there will be a new "joker of the month" added to this xpo each month.
The shown joker presents the best one that came to us in that month.

Each year we'll start with a clean sheet, but previous years will remain on xpo.


*** 2025 ***


While adding some Spanish decks to the Bargains section I came across this happy figure. He was added as joker to a deck, which was handmade by Josep Soriano and published by his company, the Artesania de Naip from Igualada (Spain), for the Museo del Naipe in Havana in 2007. Only 25 numbered decks were made, our deck was number 19.
So a very rare joker this month!

Miriam has always made a fiche of every deck that was added to the collection. The info she noted was the usual info about the deck, but also when and where we had acquired it and how much we had paid for it.
On the fiche for this particular deck it was noted as "May 2013, Havana, museum gift".

I had visited Cuba in May 2013 with a donation of 60 decks, ranging from 1890-2013, for that same Museo del Naipe and I remember that Laritza Siméon, the director, gave me a few decks in return. However, I had forgotten all about this and which decks were given, but this must have been one of them. 


The jokers of the month from.....

 2004  2010 2016  2022
2005 2011 2017 2023
2006 2012 2018 2024
2007 2013 2019
2008  2014 2020
2009 2015 2021
or back to...