last update: 1/6/2008


In our Xpo's we don't usually show other decks or cards than those that we have in our own collection. However, we do make exceptions!
After sending us scans of some exquisite jokers by Karl Gerich, Barney Townshend from the UK has send scans of the jokers from his collection of Elaine Lewis decks. Just like those of Karl, these decks by Elaine Lewis were published in limited editions only. 

Again we'll give the floor to Barney:

"Elaine Lewis, from Yorkshire, England, was still at college when she was one of the winners in a national competition to design a playing card for a Virgin Airways Playing Card Deck. Her winning card was the 7 Hearts. This prompted her to join the IPCS, but she found she could not afford to buy the decks she wanted and had no cards to make swaps. It was then that the idea came to her, to make her own, to swap at card meetings; but she quickly became so successful she was soon selling rather than swapping. Her first deck, made in 1990, was Citicards '90, named after Bradford City, Yorkshire, England. To date she has made 43 decks, all limited edition decks of mostly 30 or 50 decks, all in her own unique style.
    Her favourite card is the Jack of Diamonds, and she has a very large collection of anything with a connection to JD. Another love is the seaside and Blackpool, on the Lancashire coast, hence the number of decks with a seaside flavour, especially 'Fun in the Sun'.
    To the dismay of some of her fans she plans no more lightly erotic decks, to concentrate on transformation. Early next year (2006), look out for two new decks.... A transformation deck based on the old 'Wild West', and a short Tarot deck."



from her first deck:
Citicards '90


from an early erotic deck:
Sweet Sixteen

Alice Millennium             Alice's Adventures in Wonderland           Card Families      


Both are from the "Beach Baby" deck


Charms                                         Circular                                   Coney Island


Both are from the "Carousel" deck




      Shocker                                Strip Poker                         Pleasures


Cotton Candy                                   ODiamonds                                     Lipsmackerz

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